Level 2 Care: Low Intensity services – for people:
- With mild symptoms which meet criteria for mental illness
- Most often experiencing anxiety and/or depression with some also experiencing alcohol and substance use disorders
- with duration of less than twelve months
- Experiencing minimal impact on their normal functioning
Low intensity services are designed to support people to manage day-to-day stress and pressures by making practical goals for change whilst building resilience.
Relevant services include:
- A mix of self-help resources including professional guided or self-guided digital mental health services (e.g. online and mobile applications); low intensity face-to-face services; self-help and support groups; structured physical activity
- GP services and psychological services for those who require them
- Peer support – face-to-face, online and by telephone
- Pharmacotherapy mental health medication for people who require it
- Referral and further assessment
People with mild disorders should be able to be treated entirely in primary care and not require psychosocial support from disability providers or inpatient care. HealthPathways, a tool accessible by your GP, is a resource of locally agreed information and is available to assist clinicians to make the right decisions with people together, at the point of care.
The pathways are designed primarily for general practice teams, but are also available to specialists, allied health professionals, and other health professionals in your region.
Key Resources:
- Next Step – Next Step is a free program for people experiencing mild, moderate and severe mental health issues. It is delivered by CatholicCare in the ACT. If you would like to access their coaching program or don’t know which service is best suited for your needs, please contact their team on:
- Phone (02) 6162 6111 (during business hours); or
- Email NextStepIntake@mccg.org.au
- Better Access – GPs can complete a Mental Health treatment Plan and refer patients to a psychologist under the Better Access initiative
- Head to Health – the digital mental health gateway, is an important source of digital service options to contribute to a stepped care approach.
- MindMap – the ACT Youth Mental Health Portal, provides navigation and service information for people aged under 25. Access the website, call 1800 862 111 (between midday and 11pm) or arrange a call back.
- Health Direct – for advice and help to find a service.
- Mind Spot – a digital mental health clinic, funded by the Australian Government, offering free online assessment and treatment courses
- eheadspace – free online resources for young people 12 – 25 and their families and friends.
- This Way Up – self-paced online courses that teach clinically-proven strategies to manage mental wellbeing