This page contains a list of contacts for mental health services, alcohol and other drugs services, advocacy and carer supports. For further information on mental health services in the ACT, please see the module on Navigating the System.
You can download a copy of these contacts as an information card. If you are a service provider who would like to print your own copies, please contact Mental Health Carers Voice at
Crisis Contacts
- Immediate access to ACT mental health services for people in Crisis: Access Mental Health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1800 629 354 Free call (except from mobile and public phones) or 6205 1065
- ACT Police 000 or 131 444.
- ACT Ambulance Service 000.
Someone to Talk to
- Lifeline: 13 11 14 or got to for web-based chat and resources
- Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
- Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978
- Relationships Australia Canberra and Region: 1300 364 277 or
- Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
- ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service: 6280 0900 or
- Canberra Rape Crisis Centre: 6247 2525 or
Inpatient Unit and Hospital Contacts
For more information about Inpatient services from Canberra Health Services, go to the ACT Health Website
- Adult Mental Health Unit: 6174 5454
- Canberra Hospital (main switch): 5124 0000
- Ward 2N Calvary Hospital: 6201 6320
- Calvary Hospital (main switch): 6201 6111
- Mental Health Short Stay Unit: 6174 5670
- Aboriginal Liaison Officers: 5124 1739
Support, advice and referral for alcohol and drug issues and for families and friends of people using drugs
- Alcohol and Drug Program 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 5124 9977.
- Directions Inc including COMPASS group for families, siblings and friends: 6132 4800 or visit
- Family Drug Support Helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1300 368 186 or visit Family Drug Support Australia
- Kids In Focus (Barnardos)– An outreach service for kids and their families where there is alcohol and substance misuse: 6228 9500.
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy: 6253 3643 or 0499 540 243 or visit
Community Mental Health Teams
For more information about Community Mental Health Services, go to the ACT Health Website
- Woden Mental Health: 5124 1269
- Tuggeranong Mental Health: 5124 1300
- Belconnen Mental Health: 5124 4294
- City Mental Health: 5124 1795
- Gungahlin Mental Health: 5124 4294
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- Older Persons Mental Health Services (for persons over 65): 6205 1957
Support and/or linkage with other services
- Carer Gateway: 1800 422 737 or
- Carers ACT: 1800 422 737 or 6296 9900 or
- ADACAS: 6242 5060 or
- Advocacy for Inclusion: 6257 4005 or
- Public Advocate of the ACT: 6205 2222 or
- Skills for Carers: CIT: 6207 3628 or
- CYCLOPS support for Young Carers: 6232 2488 or
- Wellways Helpline: 1300 111 500
- CatholicCare: 6162 6100
- Mental Health Foundation ACT: 6282 6604
- Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service: 6284 6222
- OneLink – support with housing and connection to other services: 1800 176 468
- MindMap Youth Mental Health Portal: 1800 862 111 midday to 11pm or
Specialised areas of Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services
To find out more about these services, go to the ACT Health Website
- Mental Health Service for people with an intellectual disability: 5124 1144
- Eating Disorders Program for people with eating disorders: 5124 1235
- Forensic Mental Health for people with mental health issues and current/past criminal matters: 5124 1813
- Perinatal Mental Health Consultation Service for women with mental health issues during the preconception, antenatal and postnatal periods: 5124 3133