For ACT Government Mental Health Services:
Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services encourage and support consumer and carer participation and feedback. If you wish to provide comments your first point of contact should be the team leader of the Mental Health Team you are working with. This will allow you to confidentially discuss the matter, and in the case of a complaint seek a resolution at this point. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction at this point, the Team Leader will provide you with the Consumer Listening and Learning Feedback Form. The form should then be sent to the Consumer Engagement and Feedback Team.
You can also leave feedback for yourself or on behalf of someone else using the Consumer Feedback form at Consumer Feedback (compliments and complaints) | Health (
If assistance is required to complete the form and ensuring the relevant information is provided, please contact the Consumer Engagement Feedback Team – on (02) 5124 5932 or email:
Other complaints
Public Advocate of the ACT – The Public Advocate provides advocacy for people who may not be able to advocate for themselves or represent their own best interests. For example, the Public Advocate monitors how services are provided to people within the Adult Mental Health Unit to make sure that the rights of people are protected and their best interests promoted.
Phone (02) 6205 2222
The ACT Human Rights Commission – The work of the ACT Human Rights Commission is carried out in accordance with the Human Rights Act 2004. The Office investigates and, if appropriate, tries to resolve formal complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment and racial vilification under the Act. The Office provides education and information programs about a wide range of discrimination issues to the ACT community.
Phone: (02) 6205 2222
Hours: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Mon to Fri
ACT Health Services Commissioner – The Health Services Commissioner works with consumers and providers to:
- improve health and community services;
- promote consumer rights; and
- provide an accessible and independent means of addressing complaints.
Phone: 6205 2222
TTY: (02) 6205 1666
Hours: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
ACT Ombudsman – You can make complaints about a decision of the ACT Government by contacting the Commonwealth Ombudsman who is also the ACT Ombudsman.
Phone: 1300 362 072
Hours 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Mon to Fri
Official Visitors – Official are appointed by the Minister to visit and assess in-patient mental health facilities in the ACT. Their role is to help ensure that mental health services are providing the best possible care to people who need those services. This includes protecting the dignity and self-respect of people with mental illness.
People wishing to speak with an Official Visitor can:
- contact the Official Visitors directly by phone, fax or letter;
- place a written request in the Official Visitors’ box available at each public in-patient unit;
- ask a nurse or other staff member to tell the Official Visitor that you wish to speak with her/him; or
- approach an Official Visitor when he or she is at the unit.
Phone: 6207 9800 or 1800 150 036
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Mon to Fri
For assistance with complaints
Carers ACT has advocates who can support you to:
- Communicate effectively with a service, agency, or government department.
- Link you into the support and information you need.
- Have your voice heard and acknowledged.
- Develop your self advocacy skills.
- Support you in writing correspondence, phone calls, attending meetings, and tribunals.
Carers ACT can provide some advocacy support via the Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737
ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS) – ADACAS promotes, protects and defends the rights of people with disabilities, older persons and their carers. Advocacy involves representing and working with a person or group of people who may need support and encouragement to exercise their rights, in order to ensure that their rights are upheld.
Phone: (02) 6242 5060 TTY: 6242 5065
Advocacy for Inclusion – Advocacy for Inclusion works with people with disabilities or mental ill health to promote their rights through individual advocacy and building skills in self advocacy.
Phone: (02) 6257 4005
Email :